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* Shivoham process is the most important, most powerful, ultimate experience of existence. * Shivoham process is a sacred process and gift to humanity by The SPH to make us experience the space of Shivoham! * The process uses the power of simple lines, Yantras, the power of simple sound, Mantras and the power of simple techniques to powerfully shake your whole being with Kundalini Shakthi, the inner potential energy * It is actually courageously relaxing into Paramashiva, trusting and resting your being into Him * After all, even if you try to hold your whole life under your control, you are constantly powerless; you are reminded of your uselessness, non-utility of your individuality? Why don’t you be a little brilliant and surrender and rest in His inner-space? And Paramashiva is intelligent, compassionate, enriching, enlightening! * So, instead of being under the control of your unconscious, you will relax into the control of your super-conscious. You will really relax into the control of your super-conscious! * Join us for Day 3 of MahaParamashivoham, 11th Dec 2022, to experience the Powerful Shivoham Process, Awaken your Kundalini Shakti, and relax peacefully in Paramashiva’s Inner Space! * MahaParamashivoham is a 21-day retreat happening from 9th Dec – 29th Dec. Program timings are from 6am – 11pm New York time. You can join the full program (registrations are open) or join for 1 day or multiple days of the program. * Program happens from 6am – 11pm New York time, 11th Dec 2022 * Join us for the live program by registering at #NITHYANANDA #Kailasa #paramashivoham #superconscious #conscious #yoga #yogi #padmasana #meditation #energy #bhakti #krishna #higherdimensions #awaken #expansion #enlighten #transform #innerhealing #manifestation #hinduism #vedas #dharma #chakra #guru #avatar #thirdeye #prana #kundalini
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