Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaha, the ultimate cosmic law. Dharma means ‘Cosmic law’. Originally, Hindu kingdoms are supposed to run by cosmic law. Cosmic law itself is adopted as country law and the constitution is drawn. When I read more and more about the Hindu constitution and Hindu criminal procedure code, I think: what a civilization! I am everyday falling in love with Manu, Bharadwaja, and Yajnavalkya! @srinithyananda #NITHYANANDA #Kailasa #nithyasatsang #hinduism #enlighten #health #wealth #manifest #manifestation #enlightenment #awakening #guru #shakti #higherpower #possibility #achieve #source #breakthrough #god #universe #hinduscience #vedas #vedicknowledge #paramashivoham #meditationchallenge #yoga #yogi #yogini #yogilifestyle


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