“Now I am starting the process of bringing that Putra Kameshti energy through my 3rd Eye Fire into this fire, and offer Ahuti to MahaSadaShiva and AdiShakti. Once that energy blesses all of us, it will be mapped into Aushadha and given as Prasada to everyone who has come here with the request to have a divine child.” Swamiji revealed that all babies born to the couples who attended the Putra Kameshti Yajna with the intention of having a Divine baby on the auspicious occasion of Skanda Shashti will carry the energy of Lord Subramanya and one of His birth marks: A mole in the shape of the Vel (spear), 21 digits in all, with one extra digit either in the palms or the feet, a clear Vel symbol tip on the third eye spot. Although Putra Kameshti may sound fantastic to the uninitiated, it is a pure science which will prove itself in a matter of time. Indeed, Putra Kameshti Yagna and Aushadha will once again be the default way of conceiving highly conscious, enlightened babies in the future. #Hinduism #mother #divine #conscious #birth #hinduism #sacredwomb #nithyananda #kailasa #darshan #hinduscience #enlightened #enlightenment #aushada #vedic #shakti #skanda


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