I still remember He [Arunagiri Yogishwara] was sitting in this very posture, Sukhasana, having hand on my shoulder, and said ….. uttered the exact words He uttered in Tamil. I know for sure if you are a Tamilian you cannot understand this language, because it is classical Tamil. I asked Him, “Then what is me?” He put the next question, “What do you want to become?” Small boy, I just stretched my chest in a wide way and put both my hands on the hip and said, “SADĀSHIVA”. Whatever I heard from the temple lectures, satsangs, books, that is what I know as ultimate. So I put both my hands on the hip and said, looking into His both eyes and said, “SADĀSHIVA”; and already His hand was on my shoulder. The one more reason I put both my hands on my hip, I just want to give Him more space, that He will not take His hands off—His hands will rest comfortably on my shoulder. I was so much in love with Him. I will not miss a chance to have His touch, whether He touches me or I get a chance to touch Him. Already His hand was on my shoulder, He [Arunagiri Yogishwara] said – “YOU ARE THAT”. It was so clear; I can see it’s directly from His third eye to my third eye. There was no questions, doubts after that. He Himself explained – “Your intention is the only living mechanism in you. Agneya – means, your intention only is you. Your intention, what you want to be is only God in you. Your intention is the only living mechanism in you, other than your intention, everything else is matter in you, because of that matter cannot disturb your intention, which is you, you cannot be controlled, affected by the matters in you. @srinithyananda #NITHYANANDA #Kailasa #paramashivoham #superconscious #conscious #yogi #paramashiva #guru #thirdeye #meditation #energy #shakti #awaken #enlighten #dimensions #vedic #Vedas #universe #universes #manifestation #hinduism #yogicpowers #chakra #guru #thirdeye #yogicscience #kundalini #chakras #cosmic #divinefeminine #cosmicconsciousness


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