Gurukul is an ancient Vedic system of education The term Gurukul is composed of two words: Guru (Master) and kul (home). In the Gurukul system of education the pupil (Shishya) resides in the Gurus home and learns from the Guru. Guru is essential for transmitting the enlightenment sciences, direct experience and initiations for the disciple @srinithyananda #Nithyananda #Kailasa #Hinduism #Hindu #meditation #kriya #vedic #Vedas #guru #shastra #bhagavadgita #upanishads #enlightenment #enlightened #conscious #consciousness #expansion #spiritual #superconsciousness #alignment #seeker #truthseeker #meditation #energy #bhakti #krishna #mahadeva #Paramaashiva #Parashakti #divine #spiritualpath


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