The SPH, Nithyananda Paramashivam has brought the best of the best of the one million Yogic Scriptures from all the Sampradayas in the Sanatana Hindu Dharma’s Veda- Agamic Tradition and compiled it in the form of Nithyananda Yoga as per the intention of Paramashiva to manifest yogic powers (Shaktis). @srinithyananda #NITHYANANDA #Kailasa #paramashivoham #superconscious #conscious #yoga #yogi #asana #mantra #mudra #meditation #energy #shakti #shakta #awaken #enlighten #dimensions #vedic #Vedas #manifestation #hinduism #yogicpowers #chakra #guru #thirdeye #yogicscience #kundalini #cosmic #divinefeminine #cosmicconsciousness


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