International Day of Yoga at Bengaluru Adheenam Bengaluru Adheenam was host to numerous dignitaries and guests who witnessed a record number of individuals demonstrating Yogic Shaktis at a mass scale. Over 100 Balasants (students) of the Nithyananda Gurukul expressed the extraordinary Shakti of Third Eye Awakening and were able to demonstrate reading blindfolded to the guests at the event. Through Yoga, and being in communion with the Supreme Consciousness, Sadashiva, which is the true purpose of Yoga, these individuals were able to manifest powers which seem superhuman. The event was evaluated and certified live by the India Book of Records. Komal Singh, a representative from the organisation adjudicated and certified the demonstration of the Third Eye Awakening Shaktis. Upon successful completion of the demonstration, she presented the official certificate of record number of people demonstrating powers of Third Eye Awakening at a single venue, to Ma Nithya Mahayogananda, the director of Nithyananda Yogic Sciences. Never before in history has there been such a record of mass number of people demonstrating Yogic Shaktis in one place. Even the Puranas of Hinduism do not record any history of such a happening. His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda concluded His message for International Yoga Day by reaffirming that: Yoga has a religion, that religion is Hinduism; Yoga has a geography, Bharat. #NITHYANANDA #Kailasa #paramashivoham #superconscious #conscious #yoga #yogi #asana #mantra #mudra #meditation #energy #shakti #shakta #awaken #enlighten #Vedas #universe #universes #manifestation #hinduism #yogicpowers #chakra #guru #thirdeye #yogicscience #kundalini #chakras #cosmic #cosmicconsciousness


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