Did you know? The Hindu tradition has stood for over 10,000 years as an enlightened civilization. Hinduism has been a global beacon of spiritual and timeless wisdom, technology and culture. The ancient Hindu civilization produced more than 40% of the world’s GDP and was very advanced in many STEM-related fields: Mathematics (e.g. the digit ‘0’ revolutionized mathematics, advanced concepts such as the Pythagorean theorem was already known), Astronomy (they knew that the earth revolved around the sun, and had developed advanced sidereal charts), Architecture (e.g. to this day, Hindu temples and monuments that no one can replicate even will all the modern machinery exist). Construction (e.g. the flush toilet and complex sewage system was developed) Aerospace (e.g. pushpaka vimanas, aircrafts which can fly not only from one place to another place, but from one plane to another plane), Medicine (e.g. the scientist Sushruta had developed cataract and plastic surgery, advances in Ayurveda and Siddha medicine), etc. Nuclear force: (the Bhagavad Gita reveals that the ancient Hindu civilization had mastered nuclear force technologies: eg: cosmic weapons such as Brahmastra, which would now be referred to as atomic weapons) Gravity: One of the oldest Hindu scriptures, Guru Tattva, referred to the force of gravity, the Omnipresent force of the Universe known in Hindu scriptures as Prapancha. NITHYANANDA #Kailasa #paramashivoham #superconscious #conscious #yoga #yogi #Paramashiva #meditation #energy #shakti #shakta #awaken #enlighten #dimensions #vedic #Vedas #lokas #universe #universes #planets #manifestation #hinduism #yogicpowers #chakra #guru #thirdeye #yogicscience #kundalini #chakras #cosmic


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