The details of PET scans done on the SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam has been revealed. As one of the doctor's explained: "The results of the PET scans were stunning...First the dominant hemisphere of His brain was more than 90% shut down. It was as if the brain had packed up and gone on vacation. It was quiet, still, completely at peace, and He had made it so at will. Second, the lower portion of his mesial frontal areas lightwd up in a very significant way. This area roughly corresponds to the reputed location of the mystical "Third Eye". In all his previous experience working with some very gifted subjects, Dr. Acosta had never recorded such a unique pattern of EEG mindstates. Swamiji proved to be a dream subject as he demonstrated his mastery at switching mind states while remaining motionless #NITHYANANDA #Kailasa #paramashivoham #superconscious #conscious #yoga #yogi #padmasana #meditation #energy #shakti #shakta #awaken #enlighten #innerhealing #manifestation #hinduism #yogicpowers #chakra #guru #thirdeye #ajna #yogicscience #Tilak #kundalini #chakras #yantra #devi #divinefeminine #cosmicconsciousness


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