8 JUNE 2021 || WORLD OCEANS DAY In conjunction of the International Observance of World Oceans Day - The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam blesses humanity with the experience of energy of the ocean - love! The SPH's message: "We are one with the ocean, not individual drops in the ocean. When we think of ourselves as individual drops, we feel separate in our boundary and in our feelings. This is what is called ego. We become driven by feelings of ‘I’ and ‘mine’. As long as this separation remains, we never experience the energy of the ocean that is love - the causeless and surging love. Bliss is possible only when our heart says ‘yes’, when the ‘no’ completely disappears from our being. As long as we remain a drop in the ocean, we say ‘no’ to life. We neither love nor trust. We don’t feel blissful either because bliss is possible only for those who know how to love and trust. It happens only to those who know how to feel part of the ocean. Bliss is possible only when our heart says ‘yes’, when the ‘no’ completely disappears from our being. ‘No’ is darkness, ‘yes’ is light. ‘No’ is ego, ‘yes’ is egolessness. ‘No’ is the way of the unconscious person. ‘Yes’ is the way of the awakened one. All the conflict, all the suffering in our life is because of our saying ‘no’. ‘No’ is a fight, a war with Existence. ‘Yes’ is love, peace with Existence. ‘Yes’ is deep accord with the totality of who we are – the ocean. Bliss is another name for that accord, that harmony. The way to be in bliss is to dissolve into the ocean, not to be a drop but to merge with the ocean. The way to be in bliss is to dissolve into the ocean, not to be a drop but to merge with the ocean. To be a drop is to be with ego. The ego is the root of all misery. When the ego is absent, bliss reaches us from every nook and corner of the ocean of existence, as if it were just waiting for the ego to disappear." #Nithyananda #guru #Avatar #Kailasa #thirdeyeawakening #shaktipada #Shakti #Shiva #Paramashiva #Oneness #cosmic #consciousness #conscious #spirituality #yogicscience #thirdeyepower #manifestation #worldoceanday #yoga #kundalini #yogisofinstagram #yogi #vedas #agamas #guru #yogicommunity


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