Manifesting the Third Eye Power of Remote Vision
The Vedas and Agamas are compiled through various experiences by ancient Siddha’s Rishi, Munis, incarnations which verify this science that has been time tested thus fool proofed generations after generations. The Veda Agamas further expand in acute detail, forming the Apta Pramanas, the Atma Pramana, and Sakshi Pramanas.
Pramanas are the four authorities and evidences of the truth:
Shaastra Pramana — the truth should be established in Vedas and Agamas — Shastra.
Apta Pramana — great Masters, Incarnations, Enlightened Beings like Rama, Krishna, all those Masters, Rishis — Aptas — Sapta Rishis — all those great beings, should have applied that science and given their testimony, their input — that is called Apta Pramana.
Atma Pramana — The person who is teaching, the Guru Himself should have applied and experienced it as Atma Pramana, only then it will become Sakshi Pramana for you, as a reality. Shastra Pramana from the Vedas and Agamas, Apta Pramana — the people who applied this science earlier and manifested it, their words and experiences, teachings and the Guru who is teaching you, His own experience — Atma Pramana, only all these three are in tune, it will become Sakshi Pramana for you.
The Sakshi Pramana is the evidence of the experiences and sharings of the people who directly experience the Pramaṇas as a living, applied reality in their lives as the manifestation of The Avatar’s Atma Pramanas.
These four Pramanas solidifies one’s experience of manifesting Shaktis and they are a foundational source and pure evidence of these spiritual powers.
Power of Remote Vision
Power of Remote Vision, is a cosmic vision, being able to see things and places through an initiated and awakened Third Eye.
One whose Third Eye is awakened, to him the Reality of existence gets revealed as His third eye is Paramashiva’s all-pervading third eye. With this comes the Cosmic Vision, the ability to see beyond time and space, ability to see remotely through any obstacles or obstructions, ability to see anything anywhere, ability to see and read the thought currents of a person or the emotional state of a body and mind, etc.
See Everything with the Eyes Closed, Attain the Ultimate Goal Shaastra
Pramana: Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra, sutra 34, dhāraṇa 11 Power: Third Eye Awakening/Remote Vision
kapālāntar-mano nyasa tiṣṭhan-mīlita locanaḥ |
kramena manaso dārḍhyāt lakṣayel-lakṣyam-uttamam || 34 ||
By fixing the mind on the inner space within the crown center and sitting stably without any movement having the eyes closed, in succession, by that stability of the mind and inner space (through the power of the third eye), one directly sees the ultimate goal [lakshyam] by having the vision beyond the sight, that reveals any object or place, attaining the space of Oneness with the Source, Paramashiva.
In this technique, fix your mind within your crown center being seated stably. Bring completion to your inner space, thereby establishing yourself with stability of the mind in an unbroken succession — kramena manaso dārḍhyāt. By this, one will directly have the vision beyond what is seen and perceived with normal eyes, the vision of the ultimate goal or lakshyam.
What is this Ultimate goal, lakṣyam-uttamam revealed by Paramashiva in this sutra?
This ultimate goal is attaining the Oneness with Paramashiva, experiencing the state of Paramashiva and manifesting the powers of Paramashiva.
By keeping the eyes closed, it is indeed possible to see anything anywhere by the supreme power of Third Eye Awakening.
This is also the third eye power of remote vision, to see anything beyond the barriers of time, place and space into the realms and realities of far distance places, even oceans to planets away. Being seated in one place, one can see and experience the happenings at any place. Or being seated with closed two eyes, one’s Third Eye can directly read any book verbatim, explain objects, colors, shapes, which are completely hidden from the person’s view.
Those initiated by Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JGM HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam into the Third Eye Power demonstrate this power of experiencing Oneness with Paramashiva who is the Ultimate goal, lakṣyam-uttamam by having their eyes blind folded completely.
Those with the Remote Vision power, their Third Eye reveals to them the vision or ‘See’ of distant lands, homes and geographies. From the macro vision of the surrounding places and atmosphere of a far-off location or a dwelling, a vision more sophisticated, precise than today’s GPS systems, to the micro vision of a house structure, floor plans and the minute objects within enclosures, etc, the Remote Vision power is literally the all-pervading experience of Paramashiva own Third Eye.
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