“Connecting with the cosmic mother is the Sri Vidya Puja. Understand the diagram that you have in front of your eyes, is your very body. Inside your body you have 43 energies. In that triangle you will see 43 triangles. It is a very strange diagram. It will look very complex if you see superficially. If you see little bit it is a very simple diagram. 43 triangles will be there. You have 43 energies inside you. Energy to breathe, energy to feel, energy to get angry, energy for lust, energy to see, all these things are energy. If you integrate all the 43 energies toward one point, you are enlightened, you connected to cosmic energy. “- The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (Significance of Sri Vidya Puja, 6 November 2007) #Nithyanandasatsang #Nithyananda #Kailasa #thirdeyeawakening #shaktipada #Shakti #Shiva #Paramashiva #Oneness #cosmic #consciousness #consciousenergy #conscious #spirituality #yogicscience #thirdeyepower #manifestation #manifest #yantra #kundalini #yogisofinstagram #yogi #vedas #sacredgeometry #guru #yogicommunity #spiritualpower #Hindu #Thirdeye #initiation


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