Awakening the Sacred Feminine Consciousness Revives Hinduism and Gives You Enlightenment

In this discourse, SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam gives profound truths and deep insights on the topic of experiencing enlightenment through awakening of the sacred feminine energy that is nearly lost to Hinduism. Awakening this component is the most sacred, powerful, and healing process on one’s path to enlightenment. In the end of the video, SPH reveals a powerful technique to awaken the sacred feminine in you.

“I tell you even if everything Vedic tradition gave is lost in some tsunami or earthquake — just if this worship of women worship of mother the sacred feminine tradition if that is retained then the whole thing can be revived because that is the seed. That is a seed hinduism is at least 10,000 sub sects I can say at least because because each Master is one sect (one sampradaya) one tradition hinduism has at least ten-thousand sampradayas. I am saying at least if all sampradayas are lost for some reason, only this one sampradaya — the devi worship, mother worship is retained, I’ll tell you whole thing can be brought back because the whole thing is centered on this one mother. Mother worship carries the blueprint the hologram of the whole vedic civilization. Just this one book this 700 sloka all the Hindu Sanskrit literature, Vedic Sanskrit literacies — we put together it’ll be at least 10 million.

If all the 10 million lost, except the 700 — this Chandi the verses on the sacred feminine energy, Itell you the whole the whole Vedic tradition will come back. It’s a hologram of vedic tradition hologram. I tell you there is no enlightened being and the planet earth without worshiping the sacred feminine including me. I am basically a Shakta, iI myself followed there you worship. From the beginning you see my biography and all the deities I carved the darshan I had all mother based, Devi based.

All enlightened masters, clearly all masters — Ramakrishna says very beautifully “shiva is brahmin but devi has the key to brahman. unless she opens, nobody can reach. Unless she opens nobody can reach. Very beautifully describes like how seen as even though husband is the owner, he doesn’t have the key. It is hanging in the hip of the mother. Either you need to fall at the feet of mother or maybe the sons — small kids, who are already near to mother, they can go and have the right to remove the key from the hip. Only they can’t touch that place and remove the key nobody else can touch.

So either surrender to mother, or people who are closer to mother that all. No other way to reach enlightenment. It’s very poetically described but I tell you it is a fact it’s a truth still the case with sacred feminine energy with the mother.

And same way all mother based traditions only continue to deliver enlightenment and keep the sangha the stream of transmitting enlightenment tradition alive.

All traditions which missed the sacred feminine whether worshipping the sacred feminine or techniques to awaken the sacred feminine lost its life within hundred years. One of the greatest thing happened to Ramakrishna mission is Sharada Devi was included in the main worship altar within 100 years of the Ramakrishna mission in an organization creation. “

-SPH Nithyananda Parmashivam


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