Yoga Has a Religion-- That is Hinduism

An excerpt from 21 June 2017 International Yoga Day by Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam:

Yoga has religion — that is Hinduism. Today we are publishing that book, so all this Ging Yoga, Gung Yoga, Chuck Yoga, Chick Yoga, Chikbuk Yoga, all those Chukbuk Yogis — remember — Yoga has religion, that is Hinduism.

We are happy that you take this knowledge, enjoy and share, even market and make money, get lost, we don’t care — don’t say, “Yoga has no roots or it does not belong to Hinduism.” So through this book, I wanted to establish the whole world — “Yoga is from Hindu Shastras.” Yoga is from Hindu Shastras and origin of Yoga is Sadāshiva, Himself. All these Guk Yogis, Chiku Yogis, Puku Yogis, be very clear — don’t try to tell,”Yoga has nothing to do with Hinduism, religion or Indian tradition.”

Yoga is Indian Hinduism’s gift.

Hinduism which originated between Saraswati and Ganga and Kaveri, in this region, that tradition’s gift. The banks of these Sapta nadi, the civilization which got settled — Gangacha, Yamunacheva, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri. This 7 rivers, the civilization happened in the banks of these 7 rivers — Yoga is the gift of this civilization — Gangacha, Yamunacheva, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri. This Sapta Nadis, the civilization happened in this Sapta Nadis region is Hindu tradition, Yoga is gift of that Hindu tradition.

Hindu tradition, powers are extraordinary, but not unnatural. It is possible, extraordinary, but not impossible. First time, largest number of people are sitting, with the strength, confidence and courage, to manifest and demonstrate.

Understand. There are various levels in this power manifestation. Sometimes, you yourself are caught in self-doubt, so, if you manifest…try to manifest 100 times, 40 times, it is right. Then, there is a next phase, you are very clear, 100% you can do it; when it comes to your problems, your personal clarity and all that, you are complete with yourself, all your problems you can sit and handle, understand, do it. It’s possible. But when you are intimidated by others, with the demand to prove, establish — you are shaken little. That self-denial starts. The next level, who is able to handle his self-doubt and even other’s doubt and able to manifest and establish the power and authenticity of the power, without any cheating or magic or any other sleight of hand or anything else, a straightforward — Integrity — with Integrity. I think the Gurukul Balasants have done a wonderful job, give a good hand. I am so happy. With Integrity they have done the power manifestation.

This is the largest….because I was going through….even in the Puranas, there are only record of the destructive powers manifested by the large number. In Mahabharata, Vyasa records 4000 people manifested the extraordinary powers, but all are Astra Shastra, not the constructive powers.

Astra Shastras, means the Brahmastra, Vayu Astra, Varuna Astra, 4000 people had the ability and manifested. And during the recitation of the Bhagavata, Sukabrahma records 11 Rishis stood and manifested the constructive, the positive powers at a time, to protect Parikshitu.

So, throughout the history also, in Puranas; please understand the Hindu Puranas is history record, they are not myth. Of course, a modern day media can never understand…..highly over dosage, opinionated, modern day media, can never understand the sacredness of Puranas. Puranas are not written by the winners, so it is twisted, altered, no! It’s a simple record, straightforward, factual truth; but, whatever has happened in multi-dimensions of the Universe. Universe has multi-dimensions and our brain has capacity, to have access to those multi-dimensions. Personality like Vyasa, had access to those multi-dimensions and they recorded whatever has happened as it is. In the modern day unfortunately, because we were not able to have the access so commonly, cannot say the multi-dimensions does not exist or the science to have access does not exist. No.

So, even in the Puranas, the recorded history….of course, India has the longest recorded history. Even in the Puranas, I am not seeing, any reference or record, more than 11 people at a time, manifesting extraordinary powers. Of course, today we did not do something……too many powers, we only started one or two. But, with Sadāshiva’s grace, very good beginning.

Surely, it is historical. The first step of presenting this science to the world, is taken today. Guru Purnima, the July 10th, we will be presenting more powers, with more number of participants. 1008 people will be doing the demonstration of 11 various powers of Sadāshiva, from Agama. Now only we have structured clearly;

 Actually we do have a large number of devotees initiated, who are successfully able to manifest powers, who are very successful in their Sadhana and practice, in the power manifestation.

Today, we organized in a small scale. First, is a initial introduction. So, Guru Purnima day, coming July 10th, we will be having 1008 people demonstrating….sorry July 9th, not July 10th — July 9th. This time Purnima is coming in 2 days, so we will be celebrating July 9th as Guru Purnima. We follow the Panchanga as per the Agama. So, we will be celebrating July 9th. July 9th, we will be having the Sadashiva’s power manifestation by 1008 people. Various powers, at least 11 powers of Sadashiva.


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