Shaktipada just needs your integrity

“Shaktipada does not need your belief. It just needs your integrity. Means, you being clear about what you want from you and from Guru. That is it. Nothing else. That is all I call integrity. You are allowed to have doubts as to what you want from yourself - it is called self doubt. You are allowed to have doubts about your Guru. Shaktipada is capable enough to convince you that you are Sadashiva.
You don't to have to convince yourself you are Sadashiva. You can never convince yourself. Fortunately, Sadashiva does not accept that. He says manifest Shaktipada, your doubts will become irrelevant. You can believe "power manifestation is not for me.." I tell you, 87% of the Sadashivoham participants have said that they have been able to manifest comfortably one or more powers. That is not a joke. Listen carefully.
Even after this I have seen many people say "I think I am too damaged..." and the fortunate thing is that you are free to have this belief. Fortunately, your beliefs are too shallow. Shaktipada works beyond your beliefs and makes you manifest powers. It works on your bone marrow. Your belief is only skin deep. Manifesting Sadashiva's powers through Shaktipada is independent of your Seld Doubt, Hatred, Denial and Guru Doubt, Hatred, and Denial.”
Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam (Maha Sadashivaratri 2017)
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