Manifestation of Shaktis are the Revival of Enlightenment Science
Ever since the beginning of the civilization, the Sanatana Hindu Dharma has been the cradle of enlightened beings and highly advanced sciences and blissful powerful existence. It was where the science of enlightenment and powers (Shaktis) was lived and taught as a lifestyle. The Vedic Rishis, Munis and Sadhakas manifested extraordinary powers like materializing materials, reading the past and the future through Akashic Readings, creating alchemy products for spiritual evolution, levitation, and other numerous powers.
These powers expressed as a side-effect of their feeling connection and integrity with the Divine, from the space of Oneness or non-duality with the Divine — Lord Sadashiva, the original source of all Cosmic Sciences, refers to this as Shuddhadvaitam. The knowledge and sciences of manifesting these powers was passed down from one generation to the next through Deeksha, initiation by the enlightened Gurus and preserved by the Guru Parampara, which has an unbroken lineage of enlightened beings and Avatars till date.
Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JGM HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam is the living Avatar of the millenium who is powerfully reviving these Yogic sciences revealed in the Vedas and Agamas and transmitting it to the world at large on a human scale never imagined before.
Countless accounts are systematically recorded in the sacred Hindu scriptures, which are the authority on truth such as the Ramayana, Mahabharat, Upanishads and Puranas, proving that evolved beings and the civilization led by them — have been manifesting extraordinary Shaktis, powers as a conscious lifestyle.
Unfortunately, as the dharma, the truthful and conscious way of living got diluted from age to age, these powers came to be percieved as mere stories not ‘history’; in reality these are true historical accounts narrating us the proof of the most powerful, abundant and successful civilization gifted to us by Paramashiva and His enlightened disciples — an ordinary life lived in an extraordinary way.
People practicing the Santana Hindu Dharma were the richest in both the inner world and the outer worlds. They solved every problem with spiritual solutions, using the powers of Bhagavan Sadashiva. Over the last thousand years, due to several attacks, the inheritors of these powers have forgotten the authenticity of the original Sanatana Hindu Dharma and the legacy of Hinduism and these ‘naturally super’ sacred secret sciences have been lost.
These Shaktis, powers originally revealed in the Vedas-Agamas, the source books of Hinduism, the source of Cosmic Laws itself stand by their own independent authority as scriptural proofs or Shāstra Pramāṇa which are verified by the enlightened experiences of the Rishis and Seers, called Āpta Pramāṇa, and are now being revived in their original, pure form by the living Avatar, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JGM HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam, is breathing a new life to the perfect sciences of Shaktis through His own experiences, Ātma Pramāṇa. As the Jagadguru, the Universal Spiritual Master, who is the embodiment of Sadashiva and AdiShakti — SPH JGM is making many thousands across the globe express and share these powers by a mere Deeksha, initiation, making the Shaktis (powers) a living experience for them, called Sākshi Pramāṇa.
When all four evidences of truths or pramanas, are in tune, the origins, authenticity of the Shaktis expressed is undeniable and eternally established.
This rare alignment of all the four pramanas, categorically proves that these powers are not an accident or a myth or a superstition but a clear, sophisticated sacred science detailed out by Bhagavan Paramashiva himself and lived by billions on the Indian soil. In a cosmic phenomena that happens rarely on the planet, Sadashiva as the Living Guru, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JGM HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam is reviving Sanatana Hindu Dharma, for Hindus to rediscover their dharma, and inviting the whole humanity to reclaim their Oneness and powers with their Source.
Source: Manifesting Shaktis Book (download PDF)
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